Welcome to H&K Beauty School

Best Cosmetology School in Tacoma

Everyday Field Experience With Real Customers
The Perfect Entrepreneurship In The U.S
Technique Learned • Certificate
Located In The Heart Of Tacoma
GET STARTED TODAY!Classes Information

Do you love the beauty industry?

Do you have a passion for beauty? We can help you

Follow Your Passion

The highest level of education and technology in the beauty field.

Our professionals use the latest technology for students to learn efficiently.

Schedule a tour with us today!
H&K Beauty School

Our Programs | Class Information

Do you love the beauty industry? Do you have a passion for beauty? We can help you

Class & Tuition Information Contact Us
Class 1600 Hours | Esthetics, shampooing, scalp and hair analysis, hair cutting, hair styling, cutting and trimming of facial hair, artificial hair…
Class 750 Hours | To educate a theory in the practice of esthetics services, care of the skin, temporary removal of superfluous hair …
Hair Design
Class 1400 Hours | Practice of hair design, shampooing, scalp and hair analysis, hair cutting and trimming, hair styling, cutting and …
Class 1000 Hours | Barbering services, shampooing, scalp and hair analysis, hair cutting, hair styling, cutting and trimming …
Instructor Trainee
Class 500 Hours | To understand the importance of developing the qualities of effective teaching, classroom management, learning …
Nail Technician
Class 600 Hours | Educate a theory of manicuring and pedicuring, artificial nails, cleaning, shaping and polishing of nails …
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Why people choose H&K Beauty School?

Top Rated Beauty Industry Programs in Tacoma

You can control your own time.  Also, we provide weekend and night classes.
The school will accommodate schedules and circumstances. Students can learn at any time and any day.
advantages to future beauty professionals looking for a well-rounded experience.
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A frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What about classes? When do they start?
All of our classes are on first-come, first-served basis. You can register our classes any time. If you have any further questions, please contact us at su.bourland@yahoo.com.
Will the school accommodate my schedule if impacted by jobs, children, etc.?
Yes the school will accommodate for schedules and circumstances.

Students can learn at any time and any day.

H&K Beauty School

Success stories from clients

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